Because Family Matters

Parenting Coordination and Facilitation

  • I am so glad we have you
  • I never looked at it from (my child’s) Point of View
  • I don’t worry about these kinds of things anymore, I can come to see you

Facilitation and Coordination Services

The State of Texas recognized there are some high conflict situations that require the parents to have someone designated to assist them in communicating and reaching decisions regarding issues related to their children. These areas include: extracurricular activities, parenting strategies, interventions, educational decisions, and in some cases how to discuss life events with their children. Family Evaluation Associates understands each of these issues requires the ability to see the child first and the parents second. When the parents learn to place the child first, it becomes much easier for effective co-parenting to exist.

Parenting Facilitation and Coordination forms a bridge between the parents allowing them to learn skills and methods to communicate with one another without judgment, without anger, and focused on the needs of their child(ren). Of all of our services, we believe the co-parenting relationship affects the child the most. When Family Evaluation Associates is successful, children thrive because their parents have recognized how to communicate effectively and kindly for their child's benefit

Contact Family Evaluation Associates