“Because Family Matters”
Family Evaluation Associates
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Top Family Evaluation Associates Services
Court Ordered Services
Family Evaluation Associates is uniquely positioned to offer therapy that addresses where you are right now, and getting you where you want to be. Specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, mindfulness, trauma focused, client-centered strength-based therapy - this service uses all systems to meet the needs of each and every client.
Courts in Texas are now recognizing the need for a Child Custody Evaluation, previously known as a Social Study. This area is governed by the Texas Family Code.
There are some high conflict situations that require the parents
to have someone designated to assist them in communicating and reaching decisions regarding issues related to their children.
When the parents learn to place the child first, it becomes much easier for effective co-parenting to exist.
Therapeutic parent coaching is designed to provide parents with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve their individual parenting goals. Parent coaching looks forward, deals with the here and now, and seeks to educate. The program focuses on assisting parents in better understanding their children’s behaviors while creating a positive, healthy environment and minimizing problematic behaviors.

Welcome to Family Evaluation Associates! We are so glad you stopped in. As you look through our pages, you can find where we came from, what's important to us and how to connect. We love you have decided to start your journey and look forward to being part of it!!!!
Family Evaluation Associates, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization that provides individual and family therapy. Our lead therapist, Celina R. Andersen-King is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) with more than 30 years of experience in the field. Family Evaluation Associates, Inc. is conducting Child Custody Evaluations on a limited basis. We are no longer providing Adoption Custody Evaluations. Therapeutic Parent Coaching is provided by Court Order.
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Our therapy services are designed to start where you are and move forward to where you want to be. Take the next step now.
Parent Coaching
Therapeutic parent coaching is designed to provide parents with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve their individual parenting goals.
Child Custody Evaluations
Courts in Texas and now recognizing the need for a Child Custody Evaluation.

Meet Our Staff
Success is measured through better communication, higher function of the children in the family and reduced litigation.